What is 395 years old and has survived alcoholism, prison, drugs, scams and depression? My family! My father was a crook and I spent my childhood running from the police – until he was arrested. Life presented us with the bill for those enjoyable years later on. My four siblings fell apart, my mother filed for divorce, and then my father died. Surprisingly, he resurrected after 15 years. At that moment, I remembered how beautiful life was when I was Cloclo.
What is 395 years old and has survived alcoholism, prison, drugs, scams and depression? My family! My father was a crook and I spent my childhood running from the police – until he was arrested. Life presented us with the bill for those enjoyable years later on. My four siblings fell apart, my mother filed for divorce, and then my father died. Surprisingly, he resurrected after 15 years. At that moment, I remembered how beautiful life was when I was Cloclo.