
Short Film/Country & People, Germany 2010

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"It's all destiny." There must be a higher destiny in the fact that he ended up in Garzau, of all places, two years ago. That's how Acha wants to see it. The 30-year-old Cameroonian looks out the window of the dreary asylum seekers' home into the surrounding forest, and he has a plan. He is working on his German language, wants to make contact with the Brandenburgers from his district and thus escape the isolation and paralysis of his status as a tolerated person. He enthusiastically shows off his collection of flyers from summer festivals nearby: Barbecue competitions, stork festivals, body painting, the 100th anniversary of the fire department, the men's ballet in Buchholz - Acha raves about the cultural offerings that await him for free and outside in the region. If he can't bring home money, as he had hoped, he at least wants to bring home stories. Judith Keil and Antje Kruska accompany Acha as he defies despair and dares to take steps into Brandenburg society.
16 min
FSK 12
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16:9 SD, Color

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FSK 12

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